Samsung INR18650-25R 2500mAh (Cyan) Ebay
Official specifications:
- Style: Flat Top
- Chemistry: INR
- Nominal capacity: 2500 mAh (2200 mAh)
- Max Continuous Rated Discharge: 20A (at 25 degrees Celsius)
- Max Pulse Current (Less than one Second Pulse): 50A
- Dimensions: 65.0 ± 0.2 mm (L) x 18.3 ± 0.2 mm (D)
- Weight: 45g (Max)
- Discharge Cut-off Voltage: 2.5V
- Nominal voltage: 3.7V
- Full Charge Voltage: 4.2V ± 0.05V
- Cycle info: Capacity drops to 60% after 250 full charge/discharge Cycles
- Standard Charge: CC/CV at 1A / 4.20V ± 0.05V, 100mA Cut-off
- (Max) Rapid Charge: CC/CV at 4A / 4.20V ± 0.05V, 100mA Cut-off
- Operational Charging Temperature Range: 0 to 50 degrees Celsius (Best below 45 degrees Celsius)
- Operational Discharging Temperature Range: -20 to 75 degrees Celsius (best below 60 degrees Celsius)
- You can store them for 1.5 years at -30 to 25 degrees Celsius, 3 months at 30 to 45 degrees Celsius and 1 month at 30 to 60 degrees Celsius (in other words, store them in a cool place and they'll last longer)
What do you get when buying a Samsung INR18650-25R on Ebay?
The two cells match fin, but capacity is lower than rated value.

The battery has less capacity and can deliver less current than a real Samsung INR18650-25R, but is not as such a bad cell.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Graphical comparison to 18650 and other batteries
Table with all tested LiIon batteries